Thursday, February 5, 2015


Finished Cycle: Feb 5, 2015, 7:05:39 AM
Route: Home>Work
Ride Link:

Ride Time: 2:09:21
Distance: 32.18 miles
Average: 14.92 mph
Fastest Speed: 38.12 mph

This morning cycling was a bit of a cold test. The actual min temp was only 17F. Dew point was12F and the humidity was 56%. 
With two layers of socks I just barely made it. The rest of the body was just fine but I struggle to keep my toes warm. 
The new adjustable vent sure help a lot. It will keep the heat inside when needed and opens up nicely to get rid of any condensation on the windshield. 
The ride was s bit slower with the extra stops I made but the over all time was not yo bad. 
The photo shows were my breath exits the velo. Now I know where all the drag comes from. 

Sent from my iPhone

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


First day to commute to work this year.  It was very tough, even with a little help from the e-assist.  

To work:
Finished Cycle: Jan 27, 2015, 6:15:50 AM
Route: New Route
Ride Link:
Import Link:
Ride Time: 1:43:16
Stopped Time: 0:00
Distance: 32.09 miles
Average: 18.65 mph
Fastest Speed: 44.21 mph
Ascent: 452 feet
Descent: 602 feet
Calories: 1507

Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Year End

The end of a very successful year, one that would be very hard to beat. It is by far the most miles I have done in one year and also the most alive I felt in one year. Yes it was very time consuming to spend all that time cycling but the accomplishment was well worth it. The funny thing is the more you ride this vehicle, the better and faster it gets. I doubt I will be able to match those miles in 2012 which would be unfortunate, but the focus would be to get more Pterovelo's on the road.