Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday 8/10/11

Wednesday 8/10/11

The day started off with a moderate climb. I felt good and fresh so I did as much as the achilles would allow. I caught up with Josef Janning in his blue car on Quest and we stayed together for the most part of the day. He is a very strong rider and thanks to him I was pushing a little more on the climbs. There were construction on hw12 so we had to take a detour that ended up on a 5 mile gravel road. The quest was able to manage the rough road but I opted to get out and push. No fun! By the end of the gravel road the rest was starting to caught up with me. Once on the Tarmac the lunch stop was not to far away. I bought a bag of ice and I iced my feet while I was enjoying a Subway sandwich. With nice fresh feet the last stretch of 28 miles was a lot of fun. I was able to keep it up to 30mph for a good part of that 28 miles.